Shapes: Plain old square or rectangle decks are a thing of the past.
Now intricate outline and shapes over a couple of levels is commonplace.
We love to build exciting decks with creative outlines, in fact we specialize in
it. Herringbone floor patterns with grille corners and various piano shaped
outlines are our trademark. These custom and professional design and building
details make truly exceptional decks Here is an illustrated guide to some of the more
common custom deck shapes we work
with while designing your deck. The days of simple box or rectangular decks are
behind us and the sky is the limit to the exciting shapes and designs in
today's decks. A custom deck shape coupled with a nice floor pattern and
custom rails with make for a very exciting deck project. With all the
quality materials available today is almost seems a shame not to spend some
extra time and attention to the shape and design of the deck.
Here are 30 of our most popular deck designs