deck specialists inc ct deck builders

Designers and builders of elegant outdoor PT treeated Ipe and composite decks, a Connecticut CT deck building contractor

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Now Booking For   2025 book early for your new deck
    Deck Specialists Inc ipe deck builder Custom Ipe,PT     Composite Local Deck Builders
 Locally Owned & Operated in     Hartford County Connecticut CT

  - Photo Gallery
- Photos 2

  - Photos 3 (PT)

  - Photos 4 (Composite, Hot Tub, etc.)
- Before and Afters

deck articles ct deck builder speicilzing in ipe treated and composite decks Deck Articles:

- What Size Deck Should I Build?
Why Specialize?
- Deck Cleaning
- Outdoor Wood Species
- Pressure treated wood Report
- Composite & PVC decking
- Ipe Report
- Man Made Materials

deck designs Design Studio:

- Deck Options 
 - Deck Designs & Shapes

 - Deck Wood
 - Deck Floor Patterns
 - Deck Rails
 - Deck Stairs
 - Deck Plans
 - Deck Features

  Deck Blogs

Sealing or Oiling Ipe decks

Sealing or Oiling Ipe Decks:
Ipe is incredibly dense and as such will only absorb a small amount of oil at any one applic...
January 23,2009

Ipe Decking Sightings Feb 28 2008
    share your Ipe sightings in cool places
Are Decks A Good Investment In This Economy? march 10 2009
How Did You Find Us?
Tell us how you found us march 11 2009
    contact deck specialists inc Contact Us:

      Deck Specialists Inc
      PO Box 2001
      Manchester CT 06045

Toll free CT 800-231-DECK

      -  Online Contact Form

       e-mail deck specialists inc       E-mail 
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This is for Connecticut residents only, within a 45 minute radius of Manchester/Hartford for new deck or replacement deck
you may also elect to contact us thru our online contact form
Online Estimate  We know you have a busy schedule and setting up an estimate can be difficult, so consider starting here. Of course call us at 1-800-231-DECK if this does not work for you.  By providing us with your info and your ideas we can work with you to design an optimal deck for your home. (we may have to visit the jobsite to verify dimensions.)

Directions for online estimate and deck design. (don't fret complete as much as you can)

1. Take pictures of your house, showing either the existing deck or the area you would like the new deck to be located. (.jpg or acrobat format is best).

2. Sketch  your ideas of your new deck. (graph paper works well.) Even a very rough or simple sketch can be helpful

3. Take careful measurements of your house. Measure all the jogs in the house, locating relevant windows, doors, chimneys, bump outs, bulk head doors, downspouts, heights of the deck etc. and note these on your sketch as best as you can.

4. Take down some notes on how you plan on using the deck. Examples: I would like to have an area for a large table, I like to grille and would like a dedicated grilling area, I would like to have a hot tub area, I would like some seating or benches, single level or multi levels, a visit to our design studio may be very helpful!  Indicate when you would like this project to commence and your flexibility in your schedule.

5. Locate any relevant building lines or setbacks, wells or septic tanks, or any obstructions in your yard. (A copy of your plot plan can be very helpful!) Specify the approximate distance the materials need to be carried.

6. Indicate what materials you are interested in (PT, Ironwood, Ironwood vinyl, Composites, etc.). Also, if there is a budgeted amount to adhere to in the design. Indicate any other special considerations you can think of.

7. Make sure to include your name, full address, e-mail address, and phone numbers!!

8. E-mail to or send hard copies to: Deck Specialists inc. PO box 2001 Manchester CT 06045.

We will e-mail you a quote and design drawing ASAP!. (please note we will need to verify all measurements and info prior to contract)

Note: this is an excellent first contact between Deck Specialists, Inc. and yourself, it may take several e-mails back and forth with design changes and  in home meetings to nail down final designs and quotes

Also please note: If you are looking for a replacement deck with same footprint as your existing deck just mention that in e-mail with your home address, and we will look at it and e-mail your quote ASAP

One more note: If you have really no idea what you are looking for, and are not good with visualizing, go ahead and mention you are looking for our recommendations and your home address, we will visit your place and email you some of our ideas for you deck.

Ready to get started? for your new deck deck specialists inc a connecticut deck builder
    E-mail us at   or  phone 860-646-0032  800-231-DECK 
toll free in CT
DECK SPECIALISTS INC your local custom Ipe, composite and treated deck builder in Connecticut CT 
We are looking for a deck installer, E-mail us if you are a motivated quick learner.
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