Great designs are usually the most demanding to construct!
Deck Specialists, Inc. uses a C.A.D.(computer
assisted drafting) system to draw all their own deck plans
from scratch. As a result, extreme accuracy is assured. Many difficult or
otherwise impossible projects are routine for us working off our in-house cad plans. From
these plans, railing and stairs and many components are prefabricated in our shop to
minimize time spent at the job site and improve quality. Our cad professionals
many years of deck design and engineering experience insure our cad
plans are far superior to basic "cookie cutter" deck plans ,or plans
completely software generated. We are able to accurately and safely
adapt to any irregularity or challenges specific to your house where
basics or software generated plans cannot. Our cad plans are the key to
an expertly built custom deck!
Here are a few examples:

Deck Plans are available for any deck pictured on our site. Basic
deck plans (as pictured
our samples)
can be purchased for $69. (these are the
exact same plans we used to build the deck). Material take offs are
also available for an additional $49. Modifications to existing plans and
custom plans are also available and priced on an hourly basis. E-mail us if you are interested in purchasing plans from
see our 30 most popular deck design shapes